VPCS’ Lender Compliance Practice is designed to integrate a compliant operations management system for lenders (consumer and commercial), Currency Exchanges, Check Cashers and their vendors.

To begin, VPCS will perform a Regulatory Compliance GAP Review of their Client’s policies and procedures, training, operations, and vendor oversight.  VPCS will then develop a GAP assessment identifying all deficiencies.

VPCS’ sister company, Learn2Comply will be contracted by clients for a Temporary Directory Of Compliance resource to guide them to resolve deficiencies identified in the GAP Assessment in addition to the following:

  • Development of Policies and Procedures absent from the Client’s Compliance Program
  • Track State and Federal Regulatory changes and update the Client’s Policies and Procedures
  • Establish a Compliance Review Committee (review and sign off on all new and updated policies)
  • Develop a Quarterly Compliance Report to present to the Client’s Board
  • Integrate a Complaint Management System, Process, and Reports Required by CFPB
  • Provide Regulatory Compliance Training, Testing, and Reporting System the Client will use to upgrade their internal training program
  • Integrate a Vendor management and oversight program that satisfies regulator  requirements
  • …and more

The importance of a compliant partner:

  • Protects the enterprise from regulatory allegations and inquiries
  • Improves the meaningful involvement of the Client in the compliance program
  • Makes the operations efficient and compliant

A VPCS and Learn2Comply trained and compliant partner will rely on:

  • Independent evaluations which protect against invalid assumptions and biases
  • Customized reports that provide unique views of programs and identify areas at risk
  • Creation and implementation of the Client’s policies and procedures with state and federal regulatory compliance in mind
  • Compliant operations management that is benchmarked against industry standards